Monday, July 21, 2008

Black and White of the kruittoren

kruittoren, originally uploaded by kittymaguire.

The tower in kronenburgerpark Nijmegen.
You can see more of my photographs at camera aperture

Monday, July 14, 2008

Black and white of an old bike lamp

Old bike lamp, originally uploaded by kittymaguire.

This lamp is so rusty that it falling apart.
You can see more of my photographs at camera aperture

Friday, July 11, 2008

Black and white of the tower

The tower, originally uploaded by kittymaguire.

kronenburgerpark in Nijmegen.
You can see more of my photographs at camera aperture

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Black and white of a stair case

Stair case, originally uploaded by kittymaguire.

An old stair case in the center of Nijmegen.
You can see more of my photographs at camera aperture

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Black swam, photography by Katherine Maguire

Black swam, originally uploaded by kittymaguire.

The swam dancing on the water.
You can see more of my photographs at camera aperture

Black and White of the bucket by Katherine Maguire

bucket, originally uploaded by kittymaguire.

The bucket of a JCB on the top of the entrance of an old building.
You can see more of my photographs at camera aperture